Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dedication ceremony!

Fidel and family were visibly excited for this day! For the first time these kids would have a real house to live in.  We were all extremely happy for them, and glad that we were able to contribute a little bit towards that.

The festivities started with opening remarks by Tom (Alternative Missions; Dwellings) followed by Mark's comments on behalf of Team Eclectic.

Fidel and his wife were extremely thankful to everyone.  A group prayer led by the pastor from their church concluded the ceremony.

It was time to hand over the keys to the house!!!

Our adventure had almost come to an end...we celebrated with cake and soda. The joy and excitement among family and friends is hard to describe in words, but we were glad to have been able to contribute towards that. 

We said our goodbyes to the family and friends, and handed over the bag of chocolates to the kids and headed to the truck.  Our last trek down the hill (on this trip :-))! 

We headed straight to Eagle Ray's, but Tanya and I decided to get tacos from the street vendor - they looked delicious.  Indeed they were!  Over dinner we shared our thoughts from this amazing experience and figured it might be worth doing this again!

Dinner was followed by a couple of stops at the watering last drink at sundowners before calling it a night!  

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